Three Burials By Anders Lustgarten

I wanted to simultaneously devour this nonstop and marinate on each topic covered.  Anders Lustgarten is bringing so many real, current topics to the forefront of his novel.  It would be easy to take it in, think about it and move on.  What we should do is take it in, understand it and change things.    As I read through this novel, I made so many annotations and notes and things that I wanted to look up.   

Immigration, politics, suicide, racism and corruption are intricately woven into each page.  Sometimes, with snarky remarks (which I enjoyed) and sometimes with the gut-wrenching truth.   Each character in the book has a backstory that brings them to where they all collide.  When you read the blurb about a head nurse (Cherry) being on the run with a police officer and dead refugee, don’t dismiss the idea that this is possible.

Each chapter is filled with adventure and social injustice.  There are corrupt individuals and truth seekers.  Some have hope and some deal with pain.  Three Burials runs the gambit of emotions.  I would love to see this added into high school and college classes as part of the curriculum.  Just because this book takes place in London, doesn’t mean that every topic isn’t applicable all over the world. 

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