The Midnight Rambler By Don Carr

I am quickly finding that an environmental thriller is a sub genre that resonates with me and connects to so many current events. Sophie Grant, our FMC, is one bad a$$ Environmental Protection Agency Special Agent in Charge (she loves the SAC part). SAC Grant has worked her way through some tough cases, taking down some bad guys trying to make the planet a better place to live. This time she finds herself stationed at the base of Mount Vesuvius in Italy. She has a team, including Marines, to keep her safe.

An EPA Agent, who needs a group of highly trained professionals to keep her safe while she tests water you ask? Chemical waste must be disposed of through an EHS Hazardous Waste Program. The worse for the environment the waste is, the more expensive it is to dispose of. In comes the toxic pollution disposal business. Run by centuries-old crime syndicates who have feelers in every part of the world, she is up against some really bad people who find money more important than the cancer-causing chemicals they dispose of daily.

Midnight Rambler (yes, a very interesting connection to the song by The Rolling Stones) is filled with people from all over the world who have ulterior motives. They are up against SAC Grant who wants to make the world a better place. She is relentless in her quest to do so. Connections to Russians, Nigerians, Americans and others are all necessary to paint this picture of what is going on in the world, while we sit and think we are safe. The inner workings of the ‘bad guys’ are so entangled it blows my mind.

This is a nonstop immersive ride in the most beautiful parts of Italy along the Almafi Coast. A legendary Camorra assassin, Il Mezanotte Ramingo, has been tasked to stop the EPA at all costs. Fast-paced and heart-pounding, this is a deadly game of cat and mouse that will keep your attention from the very first sentence. This is a high stakes thriller from Don Carr, who spent over 15 years elbow deep investigating and writing about America’s worst polluters. I really hope to see more from this author in the very near future.

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