Show Game By Steve Anderson

Individuals with a lot of money, power and influence seem to be getting away with a lot of criminal activity including sexual crimes against minors and a plethora of other things.  A vigilante who goes by the name of Alex has decided that the judicial system can take a payout to look over things and is taking matters into their own hands.  The targets that Alex has in mind include a boy scout leader turned leader of a mega church, a politician, and a philanthropist.  Each individual is abducted and taken to a remote location where they are given 3 chances to earn 150 points.  They have to admit what they have done, give the names of those who helped them and apologize in order to avoid opening the case and any further damage. 

Enter Owen Tanaka, an investigative reporter who wants to get to the truth, tell the truth and let the truth bring justice.  He is hired to find the host of the game show and is given a team to unveil that person’s identity before any other news reporter can.  The closer Owen gets to Alex, the more entangled their circles become. 

Steve Anderson has written an original, thought provoking and fast paced novel that covers so many topics that are relevant today, but in a way that brings a sort of justice to the wrongdoers in a more timely fashion than the judicial system.  A grass roots movement of sorts for truth and justice.  This thriller is written with so much heart and brings out hope in people that good will prevail. 

Follow Teresa on Twitter or Instagram or contact her via the site.

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