Dreams In Incarceration By Cillian Dunne

David Spivey is a former inmate and member of the notorious Crip gang in LA.  When Spivey was 17 years old, he murdered an 18-year-old member of a rival gang in 2006 during a turf war. Spivey has since turned his life around and is currently a motivational speaker. Cillian Dunne tells Spivey’s story.  First of all, I would like to encourage the reader to go all the way through the book.  Research David Spivey for yourself and ask questions.  The amount of time, research, patience, understanding and pure heart that it took from all parties involved is mind blowing.  It is easy to google a prison sentence.  It is easy to follow the news. To know and to understand the journey that someone like David Spivey is often unheard of and not written or spoken of.  There are several players in the game of life and how one acts and interacts with them changes that individual’s future.  Life in LA in 2006, gang violence, growing up, how to handle the battles inside of prison – those are not always accurately portrayed in made for tv movies.  This is unlike anything I have ever read before and it makes me wonder, if we all took time to understand each other like Dunne did with Spivey, how would that change the outlook of our future?

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