Tempest North By Rodger Carlyle

Tempest North is Book 1 of 3 of the Gritt Clan series.  For those of us who have been along for the ride for the other books in this series, we got a prequel.  Just to be honest, now that I have finished this one, I want to reread the other two and see what I can glean from them with a new perspective and more background information on Captain Chad Grittenburg. 

Rodger Carlyle is an amazing storyteller.  He can take the reader and immerse them in real places during a culturally recognizable time allowing us to be part of the story.  Cpt Grittenburg is driven by duty and honor and hope.  After losing his fiancé, he needs to find peace.  However, that is not in his future. 

It blows me away to think that business dealings between countries even in the 1800’s affected so many things.  Expansions into new territories, money, new cultures and diseases and still the leaders have to make decisions that affect others, good or bad.  Cpt Grittenburg is no different and he must decide the future for several.  

If you are a fan of historical fiction (add in the thriller element) this is a must read.  Every single chapter is a new adventure.      See you in Nashville at Bouchercon Mr. Carlyle.  I can’t wait to pick your brain.   

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Barrington Books
Chapter 2 Books
Murder By The Book
Once Upon A Crime
The Book Dragon
The Poisoned Pen