The Hollywood Con Queen By Scott C. Johnson

Hargobind Tahilramani was able to cause at least 500 victims to lose around $2 million over the course of his (yes I said it – his) run.  While long believed to be a female, that was in fact wrong.   Tahilramani was able to impersonate both male and female Hollywood executives in order to take advantage of makeup artists, stunt actors and members of private security details.  There is an Apple TV docu-series based on this novel by Scott Johnson that is out now.

Scott Johnson didn’t just blog about this.  He spent years uncovering this scandal.  Even from the first page of the novel, you know that this investigative reporter went above and beyond to detail everything from weather and climate in areas that he was writing about to detailed conversations. 

Tahilramani didn’t just stop when one scam blew up.  He continued on.   Johnson’s extensive research and travel and hard work pays off when he gets to interview Hargobind after a decade has passed during which he was running this operation. 

For those of you who like books by Gregg Olsen, David Gran and Katheryn Miles this is for you.  True crime podcast junkies – yep – for you.  I love it when a nonfiction book reads like fiction and tells the facts.  I find it mind blowing the amount of time and effort that goes into something like this. 

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