A Better World By Sarah Langan

A Better World is a dystopian psychological thriller that will have you thinking about your future and asking yourself a lot of questions.  What secrets are being hidden from us?  How easy are we all led around?  What will you do for your family?

Richard, Linda and their twins are living in turmoil.  During the ‘Era of the Great Unwinding’ all things that people came to depend on (ie healthcare, government, roads) were falling apart. The world was split between the haves and the have nots, the colonies, and the cities, the clean and the dirty, the fed and the hungry.

Richard had the ability to get his family into a colony, Pleasant Valley (PV).  PV and other colonies are owned by Better World, the producer of Omnium and the only way to survive. BetterWorld offered everything they needed to stay alive, to raise their family and to prosper.  However, outsiders are not easily welcomed.  There are conditions to be met, barters to be made and traditions to learn. 

Once they get to PV, everything is not how it seems and fitting in does not seem possible.  They must learn, accept, and participate in a series of customs, events and beliefs called The Hollow.  Adapting must be quick and quiet without fanfare.  The family must break into the right clique to get their ‘Golden Ticket’ (a lifetime pass into the colony).  Linda breaks into the right group of women and is able to practice medicine.  However, she doesn’t like to take things at face value.  Linda is a doctor, her husband does research, they have lived outside the walls and the numbers are not adding up.  Linda is warned over and over again to stop asking questions.  The more answers she gets, the more frightened she becomes.  Can they ever leave PV?

Let me leave you with this… Cognitive dissonance is real.  Should you accept the discomfort you feel and get in line with the others, or do you do what aligns with your morals?

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