Stone Creek By Kate Brandes

Kate Brandes’ novel Stone Creek is beautiful, heartbreaking, full of love and determination.  This story will take the reader through every single emotion.  This coming-of-age novel will follow Tilly as she learns how to separate herself from her father, Frank. 

All his life, Frank has been fighting a battle.  He fought alongside many and made bonds that could not be broken.  He taught Tilly how to survive.  She learned how to fight big industry, blow up dams and to do this without hurting people.  This was their way of life.  Living off the grid, doing what Frank believed was needed. “The thing you have to ask yourself is this: How bright will you burn? What is the source of your fire? What are you going to do with your life that means something?”   His passion was his purpose. Until, he had to separate himself from Tilly leaving her alone. 

Frank’s mission left Tilly to feel irrelevant, lost, angry and uncertain what would happen at any given moment.  The reader is immersed in Tilly’s life through two timelines helping us to understand what she is going through and even be empathetic to her father’s ideals.  This is a book that I will reread and will remain on my shelves.   So many layers beautifully woven together.  Thank you for letting me be a part of this book’s journey. 

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