Homecoming Queen By Chad Boudreaux

Anika Raven is returning to her hometown of Miranda, Texas to take her sister, Sam, away from a terrible home life.  Anika hasn’t been back to Miranda for 5 years.  When she left, she was the reigning Homecoming Queen.  She graduated as the valedictorian and was accepted to Rice for college.  Then, her boyfriend died in a fiery crash.  Anika had no intention of coming back to Miranda.  When she comes back this time, she notices a ‘pull’ or a force and something has changed. 

Sam doesn’t speak.  She draws.  She draws intricate shapes and cubes.  Anika and Sam find refuge with Joshua, a preacher who has – let’s say – some weird rules and restrictions for Anika and Sam.  Not only that but he warns them of Mayor Dodd, and he speaks, almost in code, about Sam’s ability.  Her being a ‘soothsayer’ or conduit for spiritual forces.  While this sounds, odd or even crazy, Joshua is steadfast in his beliefs. 

Dark forces of evil, betrayal, murder, deception, spiritual warfare and political unrest, all set amid the forces of nature are woven into a story that is unlike anything I have ever read.  As the story unfolds, you begin to wonder who will win.  Who is in charge or Miranda?  Why does it need to be fed? What do the drawings have to do with any of this?  What does the future hold for Anika and Sam?

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