The Order By Daniel Silva


Daniel Silva continues to earn his title as "master of the genre".

Once again, Silva manages to weave engaging story lines with philosophical discussion about incredibly complex and nuanced topics, all the while challenging our notions of what we think about a range of subject matter.

As we follow Gabriel and Donati (a personal favorite) through some of my (and Gabriel's) favorite cities, they unravel mysteries pertaining to both ancient and not so distant history, in an attempt to fend off an internal attack at the very heart of Catholicism. The political game of chess both within and without the church is riveting.

Silva also brings his almost professorial style to the novel as he delves into the possible root of antisemitism and the philosophical battles The Church and it's followers must face. Do we hold to the interpretations of traditional doctrines or evolve our beliefs to fit the modern world?

As a bit of icing on the cake, we are also able to catch a glimpse into a possible future for Gabriel and his wonderful family once his term at the helm of The Office is over. The return to a previous career/hobby has me anxiously waiting for the next installment.

It is an exciting time in the Allon universe and I can't wait to see what my favorite author has in store for us.

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