Shadow Tier By Steve Stratton

When former Army Ranger Lance Wolf's Mexican vacation takes a tragic turn, he is propelled down a path of revenge and retribution against a major drug cartel and it's brutal leaders. What had been a wrong place, wrong time situation turns into an all out war spanning from Tampa to Los Angeles and into the heart of Sinaloan controlled territory. With the help of his family and friends, Wolf takes the fight directly to the cartel. The incredible toll and personal cost will be the deciding factor in this battle of wills.

Steve Stratton has created a highly unique and interesting protagonist that reminds me of a young Painter Crowe. With his special skill set, upbringing, and personality... no enemy is safe from Lance Wolf's wrath. I cannot wait to see how this character develops over the course of what will be a fantastic series. The asymmetrical warfare and guerrilla style tactics are also welcome additions to the story and keep readers on their toes as they try to predict Lance's next move. Thriller fans will want to pick this one up ASAP.

Follow Todd on Twitter or contact him via the site.

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