The King Street Affair By Jon Sealy

Wyatt Brewer is a journalist trying to ‘get a story’ and keep the newspaper alive in Charleston, South Carolina.  He is assigned to cover a story of an unidentified Estonian who washed up on Folly Beach.  What started as a usual day at work awakens memories of things that happened in his past.  Wyatt pulls on a string and unwinds a story that he wasn’t expecting.  People connected by love, corruption, money and possible nefarious activity.  Because greed is always a big player hiding in the dark. 

Jon Sealy will be an author that I will read from here on out.  He has taken a spy thriller and mixed it with a Southern mystery perfectly.  Love, duplicity, insinuations and coincidence play a part in every chapter.   If you need a book that has a deceased benefactor, global instability, agency operatives, international scandals, Estonian gangsters, economic opportunity zones and more, this is a must read.  I know that sounds like a lot, but Sealy places each topic perfectly together and the pages will continue to turn. This one left me with my mouth hanging open, wanting answers and knowing that there could easily be more to this story.

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