Lay Your Armor Down By Michael Farris Smith

The story is a dark, Southern tale that delves into themes of desperation, survival, and power. At its heart is a child with extraordinary abilities, pursued by those who seek to exploit her. With having so few characters in the book, the readers can easily become part of the story.  Smith has an uncanny ability to create a raw, gritty and emotion filled tale that is what we expect and love in Southern Gothic literature. 

After finishing Lay Your Armor Down I spent a day going back through all of my annotations and then a day to let it sit and wrangle with what I just read.  I went back and forth between what I have learned when it comes to putting on God’s Armor versus what it would mean to literally take it off and lay it down.  For me, as well as Cara, Keal and Burdean, one would have to let go of your defenses, let your guard down and even your emotional armor which is what they go through on these pages.  Good versus evil.  Their own morality and choices against what they know is the right thing to do.  One of my favorite things that Smith does is give me, the reader, enough room to be part of the story and think for myself.  I will never miss anything he writes. 

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