The Chamber By Will Dean

Claustrophobic, distressing and psychologically unsettling, The Chamber is another gripping and fiercely intense thriller from the twisted mind of Will Dean.  It will test your nerves, send your heart racing and increase your anxiety in a way only the most vivid and suspenseful books can do.

Six veteran saturation divers are confined in a hyperbaric chamber, where they manage the dangerous environment by working shifts and breathing helium, fully aware that rapid decompression could be fatal.  Then their small fully contained world is rocked when one diver is discovered dead in his bunk.  With the job now cancelled, they face four days of decompression before they can safely exit.  When another diver dies, the pressure mounts, paranoia sets in, and tensions rise.  With no answers as to what is happening to them and no way out, survival becomes their focal point while trying to keep suspicion and exhaustion at bay.  And only by making it out alive will they be able to determine what really happened in the chamber.

The Chamber is a literal locked room mystery.  Six individuals locked in a cramped chamber they cannot exit.  Someone dies.  Who did it and how?  Is it someone on the inside and the others just missed it?  Is it a member of the crew on the outside that is manipulating the food and supplies passed through to them?  Is there something wrong with the environment that no one can pinpoint?  Or is it a tragic accident? 

Will Dean does a wonderful job of keeping readers guessing, throwing suspicion on every character throughout the story while ratcheting up the pressure as the clock slowly and painfully ticks downward to the time the hatch will be opened.  You’ll question their sanity, their motives, their history and how that affects their actions.  You’ll change your mind multiple times on who or what is responsible.  And all the while you’ll be holding your breath, sweating the outcome and feeling the pressure the characters are under.  Resulting in an enjoyably stressful reading experience.

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