Both heart-wrenching and uplifting, Strangers in Time explores the devastating realities of war, the enduring strength of the human spirit, and the unexpected bonds of friendship forged in the most unlikely circumstances. David Baldacci has crafted a painful, yet beautiful story set in WWII England that will wreck and inspire you in equal measure.
It’s 1944 in England. Charlie Matters is a fourteen-year-old kid from London’s East End who has no parents, dropped out of school, steals to make ends meet and has no prospects for a better life. Molly Wakefield is a child of privilege coming up on her 16th birthday, who has just returned to her London home after spending the last 5 years safely tucked away in the countryside, only to find her parents are missing. Ignatius Oliver is an educated man, the widower owner of a book shop and volunteer air raid warden, helping to keep people safe during German bombing runs over the city. These three strangers are each dealing with heavy loss in their lives, but when they find each other and form an unexpected friendship, their lives all change for the better. However, they each have secrets and a past that might catch up to them at any time. And the only way for them to survive is to trust one another, face some hard truths and take things one day at a time.
This book is an emotional roller coaster, filled with a constant barrage of gut punches that you would expect to knock out these characters. But they keep getting back up and forging ahead. Showing how resilient and strong people can be when being strong is their only choice. And despite the ugliness of the world around them, they refuse to dwell in a state of bitterness and instead choose hope and seek to make new human connections that give their lives meaning. It’s a beautiful and inspirational thing to witness, especially since it would be easier to yell at the sky about how unfair life is and give up. But they don’t. They dust themselves off, acknowledge the pain and then find the best path forward. Which happens to involve transforming the serendipity of these strangers meeting and turning it into the foundation of a new family.
This is another home run novel by the great David Baldacci. And I’m loving the direction he has taken his writing. From last year’s brilliant A Calamity of Souls to this year’s fantastic Strangers in Time, his books are deep diving into history, exploring the human spirit and forcing readers to contemplate the lives we lead. Entertaining, emotional and thought-provoking stories? Sign me up every time!
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