Sons Of Valor IV: False Flag by Andrews & Wilson

Sons of Valor IV: False Flag escalates the suspense and intensity to heart pounding levels, challenging you to read as fast as humanly possible to urgently learn the ultimate endgame.  It’s relentless anxiety-inducing intrigue and balls-to-the wall action from start to finish.  Andrews and Wilson deliver another exceptional thriller that is impossible to put down.

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has been killed, and Israeli Mossad agents are accused of the outrageous crime.  The US sends an investigative team, including analyst extraordinaire Whitney “Heels” Watts, to determine who is really behind the murder and share the findings with the world before the Middle East explodes into violence.  Meanwhile, Tier One Gold Squadron led by Keith “Chunk” Redman is deployed alongside a team of Israeli operatives to locate and eliminate all terrorist and military threats.  It’s a race against the clock with nothing short of all-out war – and the existence of the Jewish state – at stake.

Given current events in the complicated Middle East, this book brings an unsettling level of realism and believability that strikes fear in the reader’s heart.  It’s not hard to imagine the machinations of certain countries and factions, because we’re living through it real time.  We can only hope that in real life there are badass operators like Chunk and his team out there keeping us safe and thwarting the nefarious forces of evil.

Additionally, the character development in this book is superb.  Bringing more depth and layers to existing characters and their relationships while introducing others who add to the story.  And like the real world, no one is safe as these men and women put their lives on the line to defend freedom around the world.  Which keeps the reader on edge throughout, bringing a lump to their throat and a tear to their eye on more than one occasion. 

This latest installment in the Sons of Valor series is phenomenal.  Filled with action, danger, international intrigue and tons of flying lead, it’s a pulse-pounding reading experience. 

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