Enemy At The Gates By Kyle Mills


Sarah’s American Sign Language (ASL) Review

Kyle Mills has cemented himself as the king of edge-of-your-seat, punch-you-in-the-gut political thrillers in his latest Mitch Rapp novel Enemy at the Gates. Not only did he take over the Mitch Rapp series after Vince Flynn’s passing, he took this series to a whole other level. Mills brought to the table an already established writing career with 11 novels on his own, and 3 novels from the Robert Ludlum world. Kyle Mills’s father was also an FBI agent, so he brings that insider knowledge to this series that only a first hand account could bring. Vince Flynn’s series could not be in better hands. 

In Enemy at the Gates, we see America after the power was reestablished at the end of Total Power. The world order is slowly regaining strength, and America has a new president. Anthony Cook and his wife are the new power couple in DC, and they have plans for the White House. 

In Enemy at the Gates, we see Mitch Rapp in a whole new light; he has a chance to start a new life away from the agency. He has a chance to have a family, and he is ready to just walk away from it all. 

As he is settling into his new role, word gets out that a high level mole has accessed files on the CIA servers on the world's first trillionaire, Nicholas Ward. This mole has covered their tracks well, so Irene Kennedy turns to the only person who can help: Mitch Rapp. Rapp is tasked with protecting Ward, and isn’t above using him as bait to find this mole. As Rapp works to find this mole, he comes face to face with the modern politician: no loyalties to America, and the desire to stay in power no matter what. President Cook is one of those politicians, and he is a black hole in and of himself; with the ability to suck you in without your knowledge into his thinking. As the risk on Ward’s life increases, Rapp gets closer to finding the mole, and the reveal is beyond shocking! 

I can’t even put into words how good Enemy at the Gates was. Kyle Mills brought this novel back to the political thriller that Vince Flynn did so well. It’s rather terrifying to have politicians as villains, but it sadly represents our current political climate, so it added to that fear factor. It broke my heart on the reveal of the mole. It really showed the devastating power of President Cook, and this blind desire to follow him no matter what. Can this president be the final straw for Rapp? Will he be enough to cause Rapp to pass the baton to the next phase of operators? All in all, Enemy at the Gates is not to be missed!

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