Insurrection Day By Chris Hauty

Insurrection Day is a prime example of Chris Hauty’s swift and easy-going prose which grabs you by the shoulders and immediately immerses you fully in the pages.

This is an interesting retelling of the infamous January 6 incursion at The Capitol, this time with Hayley Chill smack dab in the middle of crisis, trying to get away from the hordes of white supremacists when she stumbles upon Russian operatives using the chaos to steal some vital information from the secrets-filled offices. With limited resources and time, Hayley must improvise and stop the enemies of America from getting their hands on damning information.

Paying respect to the time-sensitive and political nature of the real-life event, Hauty skillfully captures the horror and desperation of the overwhelming situation. As tough as Hayley Chill is, she is believably shaken up by the unpredictable turn of events; her feelings of frightening turmoil reverberate through the pages as she tries to escape the zombie-like apocalypse.

The Russian angle brings a cool twist to the narrative, changing the dynamic of the story from prey to hunter for Chill as she chases after the Russian operatives with a boiling desire for retribution, paving the way for Chill’s ingenious takedowns with unsuspecting lanyards and suppressed pistols. 

Despite being a short story, Insurrection Day drastically impacts Hayley Chill in ways that will surely prove to be bigger triggers down the line. It’s a winning combination of action and emotions. Chris Hauty has done a superb job setting up a highly entertaining and thought-provoking bridge between Savage Road and Storm Rising and I cannot wait to see what he has in store next.   

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