Guns And Almond Milk By Mustafa Marwan

Mustafa Marwan’s debut is one I’d been itching to read ever since I heard about its plot. It seemed like a fresh change of pace in the thrillerverse, almost seeming more like a literary novel than a straight-up thriller and even before I reached halfway in the novel, I knew I’d gotten that part right.

Guns and Almond Milk tells the narrative from the eyes and ears of Luke Archer, a British Egyptian doctor who is hiding from his demons and troubled past in war-ravaged Yemen. When the hospital he’s working at gets taken over by Western security contractors, he realizes he must face his past head-on because fate has brought it to doorstop no matter how far he thought he had run away from it.

If that description sounds a little vague, it’s on purpose. As you dive into this book unprepared for what’s to come, you deeply resonate with the world Mustafa Marwan has created, one that mirrors ours with characters that feel inspired and relatable, none more so than Luke Archer. Marwan captures the essence of a Muslim who feels the tidal pulls of staying true to his religion versus the lure of following his impulses. Not only is the protagonist well-informed about his religion but he also practices it in a realistic manner in keeping with his upbringing, leading to healthy respect for his character as the protagonist upon whom this entire narrative depends on. This plays an essential role in developing his character as someone whom readers can genuinely relate to in the difficult decisions he faces throughout the course of the narrative. The setting may be familiar as a war-ravaged middle eastern landscape but Luke’s odyssey as he navigates both his tormenting past and the perilous nature of his present with bullets flying around and explosions swirling around is absolutely captivating and enthralling, with tones of old-school character-driven stories that I easily fall in love, all flaws of protagonists intact.

The action hits you with a pang of overwhelming energy just as it impacts Luke Archer and his friends who may be versed in dealing with bullet wounds and injuries but not the deer-in-the-headlights panic of being in the gun-toting action themselves. As the characters get trapped in the hospital, there’s sustained gunfire and combat that never loses its momentum.

Guns and Almond Milk is an awe-striking debut by Mustafa Marwan as he zeroes in on what makes people tick and crafts a superb story that not only transforms its protagonist by the end, but also brings alive a warmth in the hearts of readers who at times may feel just as lost as the protagonist but sure enough find their footing in the most unexpected of ways. It’s a thriller but above all else, it’s an engrossing journey across faiths and cultures and different meanings of life.

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