Targeted: Beirut By Jack Carr & James M. Scott

Jack Carr and James M. Scott team up for an in-depth look at the brutally violent attack that killed 241 Americans in Targeted: Beirut. Carr and Scott create an emotionally packed account that is worthy of many accolades, as they detail the disaster through raw and unfiltered storytelling, capturing a moment in time when lives were changed forever.

In the decades since 1983, many lives have been altered by terrorism in some shape or form. Carr and Scott highlight everything from the American Embassy bombing in early 1983 in Lebanon to the political landscape and how the White House responds, including the press pool and how they received up to the minute information. They cover the family dynamic and how stateside partners and children waited vehemently on the status of their loved ones, flooding the pages with historical interviews and references that show just how unimaginable the situation was.

As I turned each page, I felt that as an American, I owed it to the survivors and those we lost to know their story, to understand why our people we’re put in harms way for the betterment of a place that may not have had any impact on American lives until that fateful day. I owe it to those families that are left without a father or brother, to understand why politicians put those men in harms way. Carr and Scott will leave you with a better understanding of what happened in Beirut on that dark day but will leave you thankless for the sacrifices that our military personnel make each and every day.

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