Code Red By Kyle Mills

In his final Mitch Rapp work, Kyle Mills lives up to the Vince Flynn standard and delivers a nail-biting performance with Code Red!

Mitch Rapp is no stranger to the wicked people in this world, but when a notorious Mexican drug runner named Damian Losa wants to cash in a marker, he listens. Losa is a very wealthy and persuasive man and on the hunt for some Syrian drug manufacturers and why they are attempting to encroach on his turf in Europe. Rapp is a man of his word and agrees to a cross-border adventure acting as Losa’s Canadian attorney when the call is placed. Aware that he should be careful working for a criminal, Rapp understands there is a reason that his family is safe and sound following Losa’s assistance in Oath of Loyalty.

Mitch plays up the faux attorney role energetically and manages to stay alive long enough to find out that the Syrians aren’t behind the drug manufacturing or dispersion, only to be blindsided by one of America’s premier allies. When the truth is finally out in the open, Rapp must act to prevent death from spreading across the world and his team will be the pointy end of the spear.

Mills does an incredible job delivering one last Mitch Rapp journey and covering something other than the Russian - Ukraine war theme that has overtaken plot lines recently. This drug-fueled death-defying adventure shows how deadly and violent Mitch Rapp is. The untimely departure of Mike Nash and his sell-out to the prior administration makes a brief resurgence but Mills keeps the timeline turning and pushing forward with the Irene Kennedy death train putting in work.

Mills has had a stellar run authoring Mitch Rapp and his merry band of hardened peace-keeping operators. He has delivered some amazing characters, phenomenal stories, and more than enough to keep the Mitch Rapp army pleased and I’m excited to see where his writing career takes him next. For this well-written swansong, it is a must-read for the avid Rapp connoisseur as we set ourselves up for the Don Bentley era. Thank you, Kyle Mills. You’ve been a great steward for the Rapp brand and it was a pleasure to see you carry on such a great series!

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