Angela R. Watts | Thriller Author — the best thriller books

 Meet Angela R. Watts


Background: Angela R. Watts is bestselling author of The Infidel Books and Golgotha. She lives at Step by Step Sanctuary in Tennessee, where she raises horses, dogs, cats, and snails. She’s been writing stories since she was little, and when she’s not writing, she’s probably drawing or working with her amazing editorial clients.

Latest Book: The Grim Alliance (The Infidel Books #2) (summary, reviews and links to purchase).

Upcoming Book News: The Mercenary’s Deception, (The Infidel Books #3) releases (7/15/21) (summary, reviews and preorder signed editions).

Authors That Influenced You: Ted Dekker - In middle school, I struggled to find books that challenged me. Dekker provided insightful yet dark novels that challenged how I thought. Vince Flynn - Flynn showed me that if you're writing a story you love, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. His novels always challenge my thinking and give me a good laugh. (I would've loved to have a Stanley-like role model in my life, but let's be real. I wouldn't survive that...) Kyle Mills - Mills not only encouraged me that cheeky humor has a place in dire novels, but inspires me to stay focused and fight for things that matter to me.

Authors You Would Recommend: Vince Flynn, Kyle Mills, Jack Carr, Matthew Betley, Rip Rawlings and Joshua C. Chadd.

Favorite Indie Bookstore: Duck River Books in Columbia, TN.

Charities: Samaritan's Purse - After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan's Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel. Light A Candle - We believe that humanitarian work done without the hope and message of the gospel does not bring sustainable change and transformation. Wounded Warrior Project - Every warrior has a next mission. We know that the transition to civilian life is a journey. And for every warrior, family member, and caregiver, that journey looks different. We are here for their first step, and each step that follows. Because we believe that every warrior should have a positive future to look forward to. There’s always another goal to achieve, another mission to discover. We are their partner in that mission.

How To Contact Angela: Email, Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and Instagram.

The Mercenary's Deception (The Infidel Books #3)



The fate of the United States rests on West Johnston’s shoulders, but the fate of the war rests on Brian Jones, the Union traitor. West and Brian must work together to end the Second Civil war that ripped the nation apart by taking over the White House. But it’s only a matter of time till West’s warlord father finds out West is working for the good guys, and then it’s game over.

The small towns and militia of the US, or what is left of patriotic America, must rise and fight back. But Springtown is left in disorder when the mayor’s daughter, Rene’, is kidnapped again while on a rescue mission. This time, the town’s predator is a previous member, and bad blood is often thicker than water.

Read a review from: Stuart

Preorder SIGNED EDITIONS Of The Mercenary’s Deception

Order a signed copy of The Mercenary’s Deception today! Complete the form below and you will be taken to PayPal for secure checkout. The books will ship on 7/15/21.

To be clear, 100% of the payment goes to Angela. BTB is providing this option as a FREE service to help her increase preorders and for fans to get signed editions.

The Grim Alliance (The Infidel Books #2)


Johnston has earned his mafia father’s trust while searching for hidden answers: why are the UN leaders being assassinated, and why can’t the killers be found? If West can’t stop the Union from attacking D.C. in their last attempt to win the war, how can he stop his father?

Springtown remains one of the few townships left standing amid the tyrannical rule. Another group of gangsters prepare the town for winter. Rene’ Fisher is torn between fearing for her boyfriend Simon’s life and the upheaval taking place in Springtown. Can her father keep the town at peace? Will God have mercy on the allegiance the town must form with an unlikely candidate in order to survive, or will Rene’s home burn like the rest of the world?

Told in multiple bold, abrasive narratives, THE GRIM ALLIANCE steps into a war-ridden nation where bleeding for what you believe is the only option for those determined to win. But with faith, can even the bloodiest hands be made clean?

The Divided Nation (The Infidel Books #1)

The United States has fallen. Three years after the 2024 presidential election and the declaration of martial law, the nation is at war against itself. West Johnston, heir to the most powerful ganglord in the country, refuses to continue the family legacy. But to kill his father, West must play the role of the perfect son.

But while West gains his father’s trust, he also covers for fellow gangsters in their pursuit of supplying a rebel township. When George wants the group to kidnap the mayor’s daughter, it’s up West to help kidnap her--and get her home safely. If he fails, his father will learn his treachery, and a girl will die.

Told in multiple bold, abrasive narratives, THE DIVIDED NATION steps into a future where brotherhood bonds must be stronger than iron to survive a broken world, and faith without courage is dust in the wind.

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